I see a lot of people at least joking about going vegan lately. I’ve been vegan for roughly… ah, I want to say 4 years now? I lost track awhile ago. It was around the time the wreckers came to Hexbear and convinced a bunch of us to watch Dominion (highly recommend doing so btw, it’s free online).
ANYWAYS, if you’re interested in more than just shitposts and are seriously interested in veganism I was thinking I could help answer any questions you have. Comment here or send me a DM if you’re blush shy. This comm has limits on what we can talk about btw, such as diet. And I think the whole website has restrictions on recommending specific brands of food? So DM for questions like that, thanks.
Sorry, I didn’t mean diet in those terms. I meant diet in the general sense of the word. Like, perhaps there’s a novel ingredient you discovered or a cuisine style that you wouldn’t have considered before being vegan.
Oh, well that’s simple then, and it’s not even vegan specific.
If I had to go back in time and tell myself food related advice (besides go vegan lol), it would be that just like your muscles can grow and shrink, your taste buds are also capable of incredible change over time.
Just because you hated broccoli as a kid doesn’t mean you hate it now. It’s important to try healthy foods you don’t usually eat once every few years to see if anything has changed. There’s such a wide variety of produce out there to try. You can gradually adjust your spice tolerance, yes even if you’re autistic, I used to hate mustard, and now I put that shit on everything. Any flavor can become as normal as vanilla if you eat it enough times, an example being coconut. At first, coconut can be a very overpowering flavor, but if you eat it long enough it’ll just seem mundane and ordinary. Coconut milk will just taste like… well, milk. You might get cravings for food that you don’t really want to eat, but it is possible to find alternatives and get used to them.