• xiaohongshu [none/use name]
    1 month ago

    Let’s cut through the bullshit and say it for what it is:

    The Democrats won’t “resist” this time because the role of fascism is to discipline labor/voters - here, the goal is to discipline the voters who think they can just sit out of an election because of various reasons like Palestine and refuse to follow the system and vote for Kamala.

    Jeffries has already said it as clear as he could have: “what can we do? they control the senate, house and presidency” = “you didn’t vote for us”

    They’re not going to put up a fight this time, at least not until the voters have been sufficiently disciplined.

    In their view, the voters were children throwing tantrum, and so they’re gonna punish the children by letting them see for themselves “what happens when you choose to defy the rules we set and don’t want to let the Adults in the Room to be in charge. let’s see how long you’d last”.

    If enough voters are scared enough by Trump to start voting for the Democrats again, then the system is merely functioning as intended: fascism as a disciplinary tool.