Elon Musk, the tech billionaire and unelected adviser to President Donald Trump, is asserting control over much of the federal bureaucracy and sensitive government computer systems despite lacking clear authority. The highest-ranking career official at the Treasury Department was pushed out after refusing to hand Musk’s team the keys to the government’s entire payment system and the $6 trillion in payments the system processes annually, including Social Security checks, tax refunds and Medicare benefits. Musk and his team have also seized control at the Office of Personnel Management and the General Services Administration, key institutions that function as the central nervous system of the U.S. government. “In any other situation, this would be called state capture, and people around the world would be condemning it,” says Democratic strategist Waleed Shahid, who writes in a new blog post that Elon Musk is staging a coup. We also speak with Lindsay Owens, executive director of the Groundwork Collaborative, who warns that Musk could be laying the groundwork for major tax cuts Republicans have promised that will disproportionately benefit corporations and wealthy people like him. “Elon Musk is going to pay for his tax cut with your Social Security,” says Owens.
Step 1: Remove all the inspector generals
Step 2: Gain access to the U.S. treasury payment system
Step 3: Lock out all the rest of the treasury staff
Step 4: Impose a 25% Tarriff on your largest trading partners
Step 5: Profit!
Step 6: Realize Trump backed down on the Mexican Tarriffs because the president of Mexico called and stroked Trump’s ego.
I don’t want to be that guy, but the plural is “inspectors general”.
I say always be that guy. You have the heart to speak up and help others to learn and grow - for example I was questioning which it was, but you confirmed for me that it is indeed inspectors general.
All words with that construction are pluralized that way. Inspectors general, surgeons general, courts martial.
I’m never gonna forget inspectors general now because of this conversation. It’s with me for life.
You can file it under memories general
Now I’ll say it like that guy in Futurama. Inspectorses generals
I don’t think she stroked his ego, I think she played hardball and showed him how he was gonna get hurt a lot more than they were, then he backed off (saving face by saying she would send troops to the border). That and the fact that women intimidate the hell out of Trump. He knows how to bully men but women get him all discombobulated.
Until he grabs em by the pussy
Step 6 is how the cabinet members got their jobs and why all the TechBros gave him a million each.
Canada now as well. Trump is such a joke.
Wait what happened with the Mexican tariffs ?
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That’s not in any way what happened, but your sexism is noted.
Canada and Mexico both cracked today
They didn’t crack. They played him.
They “agreed” to stuff that they already had agreed to under Biden, plus one or two silly things to stroke trump’s ego.
What really happened was Trump’s donors saw the stock market crashing and yelled at him to cut the crap and make a deal.
What does that mean?
The main concession is Mexico putting 10k troops on the border. There were a few other things as well. I honestly have no idea what Canada gave Trump
You’re leaving out Trump’s own concession.