What is a really smart choice for password manager apps? Concerned about privacy and politically involved CEOs.

I’ve used:

  • LastPass
  • 1Password
  • ProtonPass (Now using)

I thought ProtonPass was a good choice but I’m starting to read more about it. What’s just a really solid choice all around, that you can feel good about? Free or paid.

Update: I decided to go with Bitwarden and Bitwarden Authenticator. The features and the experience are better than the three listed above that I’ve used before. Awesome advice here, thanks everyone.

  • @hedgehog@ttrpg.network
    181 month ago

    You can self-host Bitwarden, too. My understanding is that VaultWarden is much simpler to self-host, though. Note that VaultWarden isn’t a “fork”; it’s a compatible rewrite in Rust (Bitwarden’s codebase, by contrast, is primarily C#).

    I also use Bitwarden and strongly prefer it over every other password manager I’ve tried or investigated, for what that’s worth. I’d recommend it to 99% of non-enterprise users (it’s probably great for enterprise use as well, TBF).

    The only use case I wouldn’t recommend it for is when you don’t want your passwords stored in the cloud, in which case KeePass is the way to go. To be clear, that recommendation does not apply if you’re syncing your vault with a cloud storage provider - even one you’re hosting, like SyncThing - even if your vault is encrypted. At that point just use Bitwarden or VaultWarden, because they’re at least audited with your use case in mind (Vaultwarden has only been audited once afaik, though).