A jury previously awarded Shannon Phillips $25.6 million.

    • be_excellent_to_each_other
      111 months ago

      Getting arrested, even wrongfully, is going to fuck a lot of peoples’ lives up as much or more than getting fired. I have a special needs child, and although I’m not a single parent, cops pick me up and put me in jail wrongfully for a day or two, the details of my circumstances are such that’s going to cause substantial trauma for both my child and my wife. In my case my job would be safe, but for a great many people it would not.

      I’d take being fired over being arrested all day every day and twice on Sunday.

      I don’t mean to suggest she didn’t have a case, only to suggest that payouts for wrongful police action need to be much higher. Aside from the arrest itself, wrongful arrests often include damages to the victim’s body or property, possibly their dog getting shot, etc etc.

      • Square Singer
        211 months ago

        I don’t mean to suggest she didn’t have a case, only to suggest that payouts for wrongful police action need to be much higher. Aside from the arrest itself, wrongful arrests often include damages to the victim’s body or property, possibly their dog getting shot, etc etc.

        Not even talking about the fact, that these guys now have newspaper articles with both of them in handcuffs, clearly showing their face and names that will come up every time a potential new employer googles their names.

        Totally agree with you, wrongful arrest is much more problematic than being wrongfully fired.

    • Square Singer
      011 months ago

      Sure, but how do they arrive at $28.3 mio damages? You usually don’t get that much in damages if the person in question has been killed. I’m pretty sure, being wrongfully fired doesn’t cause as much damage as >16x of the average lifetime earnings of a person.