Not really “powertripping”. Just pathetic. Consider this a notice to avoid… I’ve unsubbed and blocked the instance.

We can’t dehumanize fascists for their choice to dehumanize everyone for things outside their control though, because that would be mean, and hurt their sociopath feefees!

Europe stool idly by throughout the 1930’s “tolerating” fascism, and the Nazi’s killed over 100 million people. Don’t make the same mistake as the radical centrists of history. Fascists will not afford you the same tolerance or courtesy.

  • JustEnoughDucks
    128 days ago

    Can you point to a historical time when large fascist movements were defeated with a means other than violence? We know what happened in Europe, in america they had to counter them by literally beating them up as they popped up, most developing countries had to have violent uprisings.

    I am just confused at when talking has ever actually worked and not just delayed their influence (they have always and currently do spend like 100x the money of their opposition, which is has been shown time and time again, money buying propaganda shoved into peoples faces day after day wins hearts and minds almost every time)

      527 days ago

      Can you point to a historical time when large fascist movements were defeated with a means other than violence?

      I suspect you’re setting up a motte-and-bailey and you’ll equivocate over your use of “large” (which you didn’t define) when offered examples but I’ll try anyway.

      1. Finland (1930s): The Lapua Movement was a fascist organization that attempted a coup in 1932. The Finnish government resisted through legal and political means rather than outright violence.

      2. United States (1960s-1980s): George Lincoln Rockwell’s American Nazi Party and later neo-fascist groups never gained electoral traction.

      3. Greece (1974): The military junta (1967–1974) was overthrown, and the neo-fascist Golden Dawn party (2010s) was later defeated electorally and legally.

      4. Italy (Post-WWII): The neo-fascist MSI (Italian Social Movement) failed to gain mass support and was absorbed into mainstream conservative politics.

      The fact of the matter is that democracy staves off authoritarians on an ongoing basis. It is a pressure release valve for unheard citizens to express their dissatisfaction with the government in a healthy way. Fascism arises when the government suppresses the voices of the people, and drives them into despair and material hardship. You don’t win hearts and minds with suppression and violence. In a democracy, you do that by convincing others that your way is the better way. The reason we don’t use violence to settle our political disagreements is because that immediately devolves into might is right, and we have a near unlimited number of examples throughout history of why that’s terrible.

      328 days ago

      You’re ‘just talking’ right now.

      If you didn’t believe that talking worked and violence is the only answer, then why are you here talking?

      Are you a hypocrite, or just a coward?

      You’re only wasting time and talking reckless so that you feel better about being helpless. You have no idea how to navigate the situation and, like everyone since the beginning of time, you resort to thinking that someone should do violence instead of talking.

      But not you, no, you’re just going to hide behind a keyboard and anonymity and talk about violence.

      The people encouraging violence are often the first target of the secret police in fascist takeovers and I highly doubt that you have more than a flimsy door between you and the goon squad that’ll be kicking it in at 3am.

      At the end of the day by openly and wrecklessly talking about violence, you’ve alienated allies and made yourself a target.

      This isn’t a game.