Not really “powertripping”. Just pathetic. Consider this a notice to avoid… I’ve unsubbed and blocked the instance.

We can’t dehumanize fascists for their choice to dehumanize everyone for things outside their control though, because that would be mean, and hurt their sociopath feefees!

Europe stool idly by throughout the 1930’s “tolerating” fascism, and the Nazi’s killed over 100 million people. Don’t make the same mistake as the radical centrists of history. Fascists will not afford you the same tolerance or courtesy.

    28 days ago

    Can you be less annoying? No one owes you anything here.

    Can you go and kindly shag yourself? No one asks you to answer here.

    Furthermore, you don’t have a clue how logic works, do you? If someone claims the comment has been removed due to German law, it is on them to prove it.

          928 days ago

          Oh my god, do you seriously think you can analyse laws and case law of a different country in a different language if we’re just gonna link the articles?

          Well, if you like you can read §111 Strafgesetzbuch but in German legalese and not in a google translated version please. To see how this law is interpreted, you could read this relevant court decision:

          The court opinion is interesting, because the posters were lawful because they wrote “Nazis töten.” and not “Nazis töten!” which leads to the posters not being actionable. Do you see the difference? Do you understand the fine line the party “Die Partei” walked here?

            28 days ago

            The court opinion is interesting, because the posters were lawful because they wrote “Nazis töten.” and not “Nazis töten!” which leads to the posters not being actionable. Do you see the difference?

            Yes, honey. First version is the opinion, second is a call to kill nazis.

            Now, do you have anything relevant to this particular situation? I mean ANYTHING applicable HERE? Otherwise I call bullshit - I can call nazis pieces of shit as much as I want without breaking a single German law.

              828 days ago

              Close but no. As I said, you’re not actually qualified to discuss with the adults especially if you can’t see how this is relevant here.

              27 days ago

              I can call nazis pieces of shit as much as I want without breaking a single German law.

              If you don’t know anything about the laws of a different country you should probably just shut the hell up. Even if you apply critical thinking you should get that insulting someone is illegal. Since youre going to ask anyway:

              § 185 StGB

              The offence is punishable by a custodial sentence of up to one year or a monetary penalty and, if the offence is committed publicly, in a meeting, by disseminating content (Section 11 (3)) or by means of an assault, by a custodial sentence of up to two years or a monetary penalty.

              In terms of why the original comment breaks German law and therefore got rightfully deleted see my other comment:

              Nothing easier than that: Art 130 StGB

              Anyone who, in a manner likely to disturb the public peace,
              incites hatred against a national, racial, religious or ethnic group, against sections of the population or against an individual because of their membership of a designated group or a section of the population, incites violence or arbitrary measures, or
              attacks the human dignity of others by insulting, maliciously denigrating or slandering a designated group, parts of the population or an individual because of their membership of a designated group or part of the population,

              The Post was in A Manner to disturb the public by being a public post. It attacks the human dignity by dehumanising a group based on their world view. Under current German law this is incitement to people.

                28 days ago

                Can you explain what you mean?

                Yes, sweetie.

                You are asking me to search for probably non-existent section of German criminal law forbidding public from calling nazis worthless piece of shit.

                At no point in this thread did anyone quote the actual law, including the guy few comments above this one. You keep commenting third time about pasting into Google - well suit yourself and do that.

                Furthermore, it is on the person claiming existence of such law to give a source, not on me to disprove it - that is basic logic.

                So, since you are so adamant, are you able to give some legal source, with quote, referring to a specific situation here?

                  228 days ago

                  My German is pretty rusty and I’m currently on call but:

                  This is in English for you, babe, so have a look through and cross reference it against what the comment claims.

                  I’m not saying you’re right or wrong, just pointing out how to settle the discussion.

                  Any other queries, don’t hesitate to hit me up.

                  • The constitution is the base of the criminal law. However: in our law system judges don’t say “this violates article on of our constitution so youre guilty” but use the criminal law to specify how people should be punished. So while you are in theory right this devinetively isn’t the base of how you should argue that something is illegal.