I don’t mind using the terminal, but how the fuck am I going to remember something like kwriteconfig6 --file startkderc --groupGeneral --key systemdBoot false? (In fact, there aren’t even man pages for that command). Like the scribbles of a mad man I’ve had to put down commands like that in a sort of personal instructions manual, because ain’t no way I’ll remember these commands by heart.
And you often end up just saving the most used commands as aliases or functions in the .bashrc meaning you don’t retain the syntax for the commands you use. Well, maybe I’m a unique case of fish memory…
The thing about humans is that we greatly rely on our vision, and having GUI’s to show what’s possible greatly improve ones understanding of how to manage it going forward.
I keep all the little snippets like that in an org-mode file, and write notes about what I was doing and why, and org-babel can even execute the code right there in the document.
kwriteconfig6 is barely documented because you’re not really supposed to use it. All of the settings that users are expected to change are in the nice settings app that Plasma ships with. Using kwriteconfig (or equivalently a dconf editor on GNOME) is like editing the registry on Windows; you are implicitly opting into more power, out of most guardrails and into potential breakage. The UX being a bit questionable (though honestly it’s really not as bad as you’re saying, it does exactly what it sounds like it will do?) is to a degree intentional, because you’re not supposed to be using this unless you know what you are doing.
I don’t mind using the terminal, but how the fuck am I going to remember something like
kwriteconfig6 --file startkderc --group General --key systemdBoot false
? (In fact, there aren’t even man pages for that command). Like the scribbles of a mad man I’ve had to put down commands like that in a sort of personal instructions manual, because ain’t no way I’ll remember these commands by heart.And you often end up just saving the most used commands as aliases or functions in the .bashrc meaning you don’t retain the syntax for the commands you use. Well, maybe I’m a unique case of fish memory… The thing about humans is that we greatly rely on our vision, and having GUI’s to show what’s possible greatly improve ones understanding of how to manage it going forward.
I keep all the little snippets like that in an org-mode file, and write notes about what I was doing and why, and org-babel can even execute the code right there in the document.
and it’s not even running a terminal!!
This is why GUI exists. So you don’t need to memorize idiotic and long commands.
is barely documented because you’re not really supposed to use it. All of the settings that users are expected to change are in the nice settings app that Plasma ships with. Using kwriteconfig (or equivalently a dconf editor on GNOME) is like editing the registry on Windows; you are implicitly opting into more power, out of most guardrails and into potential breakage. The UX being a bit questionable (though honestly it’s really not as bad as you’re saying, it does exactly what it sounds like it will do?) is to a degree intentional, because you’re not supposed to be using this unless you know what you are doing.Tbf, disabling systemD autorun is the only thing I’ve ever user kwriteconfig6 for, because with it enabled bash scripts don’t run correctly.