I don’t think I’ve made a post on here about food, so here goes! 😃
I’ll go first…I just love eating uncooked pasta. It has such a satisfying crunch and the tomato pasta and wholewheat pasta are my faves! This has been a habit that I’ve had ever since I’ve had teeth and people are always surprised that I haven’t damaged my teeth doing this. I enjoy pasta cooked too!
This is why she’s an ex right
That and she couldn’t keep her mouth off another guy’s dick.
But mostly the chips thing, right?
Look, there are some things I can overlook in a relationship.
But eating a bag of lays with half a bottle of heinz ketchup poured on it? WITH A SPOON? 🤮
Honestly doesn’t sound like a good time, don’t think the ketchup would be enough to save his dick from the chips in her mouth.