Install Firefox!

    21 days ago

    I actually haven’t used an ad blocker in a very long time. I block third-party cookies and trackers, and disturbingly that seems to prevent almost all advertising from working. In fact I frequently get told by sites to turn off my ad blocker, which is impossible since there’s nothing to turn off.

    My bigger problem is that these browsers have no good built-in way to clean out the “IndexedDB”, “Service Worker”, “File System” and “Local Storage” directories in my profile. They are essentially frankenstein cookies without expiration date so they keep accumulating. I use the “Cookie AutoDelete” extension for cleaning them up, but it looks like that will stop working with Manifest V3. Once that happens I’m switching back to Firefox or some other browser that gives me enough control to avoid being tracked, and to save 10+ GB of disk space.

      221 days ago

      IndexedDB et al, can be cleared from the devtools, I think should be cleaned when removing browsing data, or can be deleted directly through the OS. “Cookie AutoDelete” should still work with V3, but it may need some updates, and it seem like it hasn’t been updated since 2022.