Seriously, where are 99% of the life begins at conception people on the meat industry?

      217 days ago

      Embryos don’t have souls. The soul develops during the third trimester.

      If you can play music into your belly and get a kick, that thing has a soul. But there’s a lot of time where it’s not that developed.

        17 days ago

        Poor choice of words on my part, perhaps. Maybe, if I chose "mind, instead of the more poetic word “soul” people would not reply about how an embryo is not ensouled.

        But please tell me, was your original comment about racism towards animals sarcastic? It is sometimes hard to tell, and it seems almost like a position someone would hold.

          017 days ago

          I’m genuinely a vegan because I think racism is wrong.

          Single cells don’t have a mind either. Minds are made of neurons. An embryo begins developing neural cells during the fifth week of development. That’s just a few neurons, though, not a full brain. A fetus doesn’t get smart enough to process sounds until the late second. If a mind isn’t even complex enough to process any sensory information, is it more deserving of life than a cow? Cows like to run in the grass and play. They have social relationships. Fetuses aren’t that complex.

            217 days ago

            Obviously I am not talking about fetuses. I responded to the racism comment and the inner lives of people are generally not that complicated when tbey are in the womb. I am just using this as a reason to value humans over animals.

            Also, minds are not made out of neurons, brains are.

                216 days ago

                No, I wouldn’t.

                While humans and animals have inner worlds that are orders of magnitude apart in terms of complexity, I would say that most people feel more or less the same emotions, but of course some people are more self-actualised, but everyone has the potential for that, even if it is not realised.

                And it is impossible to compare this complexity in practice, of course, as there are no criteria for measuring that. Also, every human is unique in a sense and is valuable precisely because of that.

                Ultimately, our values are impossible to defend. We can either share them or not, I do not care much about the animals, you do, this is fine by me.

                  016 days ago

                  And it is impossible to compare this complexity in practice, of course, as there are no criteria for measuring that.

                  Then why do you believe there’s a huge difference?

                    216 days ago

                    Impossible to compare between humans.

                    Animals are functioning clearly at a more primitive level than humans. You must surely agree to this.