My dearly departed gramps would agree. Man was on the ground walking across France and Germany on a mission to free concentration camps. He wouldn’t describe it in any further detail than that, ever, but he would shut down any murmur of racism. Silence a room shut down.
We lack that now which is why hx is coming back around again.
I think it’s interesting* that as soon as everyone with a firsthand account of Nazis dies, Nazism comes roaring back. It’s as though there’s no generational memory in society.
My dearly departed gramps would agree. Man was on the ground walking across France and Germany on a mission to free concentration camps. He wouldn’t describe it in any further detail than that, ever, but he would shut down any murmur of racism. Silence a room shut down.
We lack that now which is why hx is coming back around again.
It’s so sad that we are going to get this costly lesson again. It would be better if the guillotines came out, rather than panzer tanks.
I think it’s interesting* that as soon as everyone with a firsthand account of Nazis dies, Nazism comes roaring back. It’s as though there’s no generational memory in society.
*not to imply it’s good, it’s horrifying.