• There’s still a lot of room IMO for Mozilla to innovate in a privacy-respecting way.

    For example, partner with/acquire Axate (or DIY), and do a big marketing push to get websites on board with “casual payments” in lieu of ads. I think Firefox users would love this, and they can work with uBlock Origin to expose an API so users can disable ad blockers on conforming websites.

    But they’re not going to do that, which sucks.

    • 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘬
      46 days ago

      users can disable ad blockers on conforming websites.

      We all know that this won’t happen. In reality there are only two major groups of people: Those who do not use ad blockers and have accepted ads everywhere, and those who use ad blockers and accept ads nowhere.

      • I think that’s looking at it the wrong way. I think there are three kinds of people:

        1. People who won’t pay regardless
        2. People who will pay regardless
        3. People who will pay a reasonable price

        Some in each group use ad blockers, and I think group 3 is quite large.