I have so many spiders on the lower floor of the place I’m in now I’ve given up on even bringing them outside. I identify what they are to keep track if we have an uptick in dangerous ones. If it is a particularly gross one it goes in the garage to war it out with the cellar spiders otherwise I just shoo them under furniture so I don’t have to think about it. Damnit I’m turning into my dad…
I have so many spiders on the lower floor of the place I’m in now I’ve given up on even bringing them outside. I identify what they are to keep track if we have an uptick in dangerous ones. If it is a particularly gross one it goes in the garage to war it out with the cellar spiders otherwise I just shoo them under furniture so I don’t have to think about it. Damnit I’m turning into my dad…
They keep the bad stuff out, I figure. I try to put them in my plant pots if I find them around.