is there a federated platform similar to 4chan ie. topic boards with ephemeral linear message threads? i dunno how else to describe it but I like the 4chan format, it’s just got the worst people in the world on there (which I figure could be mitigated by the federated server type thing)
talking about seedit? also p2p has too many issues for a social platform
What problems?
needing to store everything on and transmit everything from user devices is kind of crazy for a social media. fine for messaging and file sharing, but social media works better when there’s a place for the content to actually be stored and accessed from (preferably multiple communicative places!)
Well, plebbit being text-only means exactly that any media content is being stored remotely on CDNs
I think I was thinking of plebchan. From what I can tell, it’s based off plebbit, which looks to be the same stack that seedit uses.
I’ll check it out but based on the name im guessing it’ll be dogshit