I don’t go in person to the library super often any more, but when I did I got in the habit of grabbing one book semi at random off the shelf. I say “semi at random” because it’s probably from a section I enjoy (likely fantasy) and I’ll quickly vet it as something I would at least possibly enjoy. But otherwise, just grab a random thing.
Pair that with a willingness to stop reading a book if you’re not really into it, and sometimes you find gold where you’d normally not have thought to go looking. (A willingness to not be stuck with a book can go a long way toward making it easier to start one, in my experience.)
I don’t go in person to the library super often any more, but when I did I got in the habit of grabbing one book semi at random off the shelf. I say “semi at random” because it’s probably from a section I enjoy (likely fantasy) and I’ll quickly vet it as something I would at least possibly enjoy. But otherwise, just grab a random thing.
Pair that with a willingness to stop reading a book if you’re not really into it, and sometimes you find gold where you’d normally not have thought to go looking. (A willingness to not be stuck with a book can go a long way toward making it easier to start one, in my experience.)