ChatGPT is dismissing it, but I’m not so sure.

    09 days ago

    Well that’s just blatantly false. They’re extremely useful for the initial stage of research when you’re not really sure where to begin or what to even look for. When you don’t know what you should read or even what the correct terminology is surrounding your problem. They’re “Language models”, which mean they’re halfway decent at working with language.

    They’re noisy, lying plaigarism machines that have created a whole pandora’s box full of problems and are being shoved in many places where they don’t belong. That doesn’t make them useless in all circumstances.

      19 days ago

      Not false, and shame on you for suggesting it.

      I not only disagree, but sincerely hope you aren’t encouraging anyone to look up information using an LLM.

      LLMs are toys right now.