Many in the crypto and privacy community mistakenly trust Telegram because it’s “end to end encrypted”, but there are huge issues including not hiding the metadata, censorship, centralization, and phone numbers.
Send this video to your friend that asks why you won’t join:

    • N-E-N
      92 years ago

      Yep, E2E isn’t sufficient to ignore it being made by Meta, I def still trust Telegram more

        • N-E-N
          72 years ago

          Cause telegram has better UX, supports logging in on my 2 phones, can send uncompressed larger files, more appearance customization, etc

          I love Signal too but Telegram is also great

            32 years ago

            Fair enough, the features are nice. I just want people to know that they’re compromising on security by using Telegram. But if you don’t have any REAL reason to be paranoid, then you don’t really NEED to use Signal.

            • N-E-N
              12 years ago

              Ye that’s how i feel. I scarcely send anything that I’m truly worried about and when I do, I’ll use their Private Chats or Signal

              P.s. I also love Telegram stickers tbh. Silly I know but they’re great

            42 years ago

            So it removed a feature that had nothing to do with privacy and added a feature that doesn’t matter if you don’t want to use it? Wow how dare they.

              22 years ago

              I used to be a big proponent of Signal.

              It was incredibly easy to have friends and family download the app and replace their SMS app with it.

              Almost zero change or learning curve on their end, and we all got increased security when we used it.

              Telling your parents to download yet another new app to talk to just you is a no-go and sabotaged their goal of increasing security for people at large.

                72 years ago

                SMS is INCREDIBLY insecure, and it doesn’t surprise me that they dropped it. It risks giving a false sense of security to anybody who doesn’t understand encryption (like, you know, your parents). They’ll think that any conversation in Signal is secure when most of them probably aren’t.

                Signal isn’t “yet another new app”, it has been around for a decade and it continues to be the gold standard for E2E encrypted messaging. The fact that SMS still exists and people are stupid enough to use it does not mean Signal needs to maintain a feature that made their product inferior.