I suppose Baldur’s Gate 3 could be an example for a lot of people. Any recent or just “recent” release you are waiting for to get at the moment?

  • @Redredme@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’m holding out on starfield. There must be a cyberpunk moment waiting right around the corner because you can’t jam all that in a game and expect it to work too.

    Also 80% what’s out there of so called features of this game only exists inside the heads of influencers. That hopium is the real problem.

    I tried holding out on armoured core. I couldn’t. Glad I didn’t. Amazing game. Easier then Elden ring but still very clearly a from software title.

    • @twistypencil@lemmy.world
      21 year ago

      People are mad because starfield doesn’t have things they never said they would have. It is not no man sky, but the comparison is going to be hard to shake

      • R0cket_M00se
        01 year ago

        No, they’re mad because the developers have a really bad habit of speaking in generalizations that they know will make the fans assume a bunch of shit and then claim it was all their fault later when it turns out none of that exists or works like they heavily insinuated.

        “Yeah you can walk around a whole planet!”

        If you don’t mind walking back to your ship so you can fly to the next chunk of the planet since there’s seemingly no mechanic to “call in” your ship and the terrain will eventually block you with invisible walls.

        It’s not the lack of features, it’s the developers willing to let the players invent things in their heads until release day when it inevitably comes crashing down.