Former president tells Glenn Beck he would have ‘no choice’ but to lock up opponents ‘because they’re doing it to us’

  • Evie
    3410 months ago

    He is a dictator… I feel like if we get to that point… Congress agreeing to bills is the least of our problems coming

    • FlashMobOfOne
      1710 months ago


      Trump has a very good chance of making it back, and when he does, everything he did up to and including 1/6 will be validated. We will be an overtly fascist country for at least four years, but likely longer.

      • FlashMobOfOne
        -1510 months ago

        Won’t be hard to do when they don’t have to lie about what a shitty president Biden has been for the poor and middle class. He won 2016 because 6,000,000 lost their homes under Obama and he didn’t do anything meaningful to stop it.

        • Evie
          1310 months ago

          “I’m mad at president bidenz so I support a fascist dictator taking over to make sure I get revenge on the party I feel wronged me…”

          Be gone traitor.

          • FlashMobOfOne
            10 months ago

            I don’t support it, but I’m a Democratic Socialist. You guys elect shitty people and don’t listen to us and then inexplicably blame us for your failures.

            And I do sorta hate that team color is so important to you and yours that it’s going to lead to the US becoming a legit fascist country.

            • Evie
              710 months ago

              Uh huh… Yeah, very convincing argument…

          • the post of tom joad
            -410 months ago

            If you don’t want a hive-mind of samey ideas then don’t dismiss ideas outright because you don’t agree. What a disgusting point of view.

            Why not reflect on how easy it would be to find a comment like yours in some right wing trumper sub?

            • Evie
              10 months ago

              I would if the argument being made was madein good faith and not the ‘welp nothing we can do cause both sides suck’ argument… Have nuance… if not, don’t spout apologist bs here for the right wing terrorists trying to force us inro fascism

                • Evie
                  210 months ago

                  Yeah, me too… still trying to figure out what your point in defending traitors to the constitution and nazi maga sympathizers, was…

          1210 months ago

          Anytime there’s a conversation about trump, fascism, and white supremacists in America, there’s always at least one of the “dEmOcrAtS sHoUld HaVE dOnE MoRe” crowd. It’s so stupid, I can’t help but think it’s very intentional misdirection. Like it’s some astroturfed bullshit from a conservative think tank.

          America is shitty for the poor (there is no middle class anymore). So at this point, if voting for someone who is not a fucking fascist dictator is all we can do, then that’s what we’re going to do.

            610 months ago

            Yep, and the GD “liberal media” is not helping when they continue to play this horse race nonsense like the cowardly corporate quislings that they are. They are acting like nothing is really at stake other than which party is running things and that “both sides” are more or less equal.

            This is just not true.

                10 months ago

                True - just like in 2016, they played the “oh my word, some people find Hillary problematic, or too shrill, or too much non-male, and whataboutthoseemails and isn’t she over-prepared for debates, and ermagawd she fainted, I tellz ya!” and other stupid and dangerous games… - they are now doing the “some people” find Biden too old, etc.

            10 months ago

            Joe Quimby is so weak he allowed Sideshow Bob, a convicted criminal, out of prison. So you should vote for Sideshow Bob!

          • PorkRollWobbly
            210 months ago

            It isn’t all we can do, but it’s a pretty good thing to do. It’s part of my Diversity of Tactics.

            110 months ago

            The real question is, how do I know this isn’t some kind of misdirection from an even more dangerous opinion for both parties?

          • FlashMobOfOne
            -210 months ago

            What you think is irrelevant. You’re just as powerless as the rest of us to stop this.

            We voted anti-fascist in 2020. What we got was (depending on where you live) a 30% - 50% cost of living increase, a trillion-plus war spending per year (and we can’t know the exact figure because we’re funding other countries’ wars now too), a national abortion ban, and zero action on housing scarcity on top of it. We got no meaningful action against anyone involved in the January 6th domestic terrorist attack, despite Biden having Congress on top of the presidency. We might be lucky and get one high-profile Proud Boy behind bars, maybe.

            This isn’t an intentional misdirection. This is reality.

            The people we voted for did a shit job, and as we saw in 1930’s Germany, no one is going to care if a person is fascist or not if that person is the candidate of change. 2024 is a lost cause, and it’s because Democrats didn’t do more when we handed them power.

              810 months ago

              What we got was (depending on where you live) a 30% - 50% cost of living increase,

              Coat of living going up by ridiculous levels is a global issue, not an exclusively American problem, and certainly not caused exclusively and personally by the current American president.

                510 months ago

                IMO COL increases were mainly driven by record inflation in housing due to COVID coinciding with record low interest rates. Then there was also the cartel setting the price of gas high to recoup their pandemic belt-tightening, legitimate and illegitimate supply chain issues, and corporate interests hiking prices in order to pad their profit margins as the government cheese shop was starting to close up.

                These conditions were somewhat similar no matter which country you live in, and played out in similar ways on a global scale.

        • prole
          910 months ago

          Bro, what are you even talking about? Are you lost?