Former president tells Glenn Beck he would have ‘no choice’ but to lock up opponents ‘because they’re doing it to us’

    911 year ago

    His entire campaign in 2016 was ‘locking up’ Hillary. If he wasn’t able to accomplish that in 4 years, what makes him think he can follow through with this promise now that he has numerous enemies on both sides of the aisle?

    Nothing short of a full-blown Shutzstaffel will fulfill even a fraction of his current campaign promises.

      481 year ago

      Playing devil’s advocate, the Trump team didn’t expect to win and quite frankly had no clue how to pull the levers of power for a large portion of his presidency. If, God forbid, he is reelected that will not be the case. They will know how to play the system much more effectively than they did last time.

        171 year ago

        If that happens then my grandchildren will be living in nearly the identical series events my grandmother escaped from.

        We have learned nothing from our past mistakes.

        51 year ago

        Furthermore, they’ve been bleating about the left doing exactly what he’s saying despite it not being the case, so his followers and acolyte will 100% back him when he does it for real. Another Big Lie

        41 year ago

        They learned some of what didn’t work. That does not translate to being able to any better ability to lead a nation. Authoritarians always fail on the fatal flaw of believing their own BS, and sycophants reaffirming that delusion. Kings, Popes, Hitler, Putin, Dear Leader, and now Xi all were inflicted with that delusion.

        21 year ago

        Haven’t most abandoned him and bad mouthed him. It will be new incompetents and deplorables. Some will be the same, but they are the background people.

        I wonder if seeing the problems some allies now have seeking alternative employment or opportunities will give them pause. Then I remember they are not great critical thinkers.

        The more moderate Republicans stayed away and rightly so. I don’t think they will be tempted to rejoin. Luckily, he’s got much less chance. His base is shrinking, albeit at a much slower rate than it should. People are more aware of what a terrible person and president he will be. Those paying attentiyalready knew.

      31 year ago

      He’s never believed that he’d be able to lock up anyone other than PoC and migrants. His base bought into it. I don’t thing this promise is going to hold nearly the same support as last time. Sure, they’ll still love him to death and try to elect him but I don’t expect that they’ll be so sure that he’ll make this happen. But it’s a re-run and americans are famous for watching garbage television, so who knows.