I would like to hear if any of you are using different app for API testing than Postman.

I’m not telling that Postman is bad, but maybe there’s all that I should check out. Recently I tried RapidApi and even tho the app is kinda cool I missed few options and went back to Postman for now.

  • @pimterry@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    I’m the maintainer of HTTP Toolkit - it’s not a Postman alternative (it’s an open source project focused on intercepting & debugging traffic, not sending it) but I’m actually working on building a UI for exactly this right now, so this thread is perfectly timed!

    Is there anything that any of you really love or hate about any of the tools suggested here?

    What core features beyond just “edit method+URL+headers+body, send, view the response status+headers+body” are essential to you?

    Anything you wish these tools could do better?

    I’m planning on taking the client functionality live within a few weeks max, so if you want to help your perfect Postman alternative come to life now’s the moment 😁

    • @abhibeckert@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      The big three for me are:

      1. For a given project, maintain a list of HTTP requests I often need to send
      2. Some way to save responses, so I can compare how the server does respond to how it previously responded.
      3. Both need to be shared with my colleagues. And this must not share any auth credentials/tokens/etc that are in every request (I want that do be done separately with something more secure).