I will soon start a new job where I expect to receive significantly more emails than I do currently. So far, I haven’t had a system in place, except for marking emails as unread until I respond and occasionally using flags.

I would like to change that practice, now that I have a clean slate. But how do I start managing my inbox?

I use Mac Mail and would like to continue using it. I know how to set up rules and create smart mailboxes etc., but I can’t really see the potential.

Thank you!

  • troybot
    22 years ago

    Recently I set a conditional formatting rule so that the email is highlighted yellow if I’m the only recipient in the To field.

    This has really boosted my productivity because I can quickly spot the emails that need my immediate attention.

    • lackadaisy
      22 years ago

      I’ve done something similar, if it’s just to me then I have a rule to flag it with tomorrow’s due date and I go through them the next morning. If it’s only to me, that’s one of the most obvious cases where I need to respond. I’m also working on resisting the impulse to check everything as soon as it comes in, and I turned off my email notifications so that’s a big help too.