This would be pretty funny if he weren’t elected to a major institution…

      179 months ago
      • Letter from Trump to Putin: Sen. Rand Paul delivered a letter from President Trump to Russia President Putin that emphasized the importance of further engagement between the two leaders.
      • Topics of interest: The letter mentioned topics of interest that Paul wanted to discuss with Putin, such as countering terrorism, enhancing legislative dialogue and resuming cultural exchanges.
      • Paul’s defense of Trump: Paul was one of the few prominent defenders of Trump after his controversial summit with Putin in Helsinki last month, where Trump sided with Putin over U.S. intelligence agencies.
      • Paul’s visit to Moscow: Paul visited Moscow this week where he met with Russian officials and announced that Russian lawmakers have agreed to visit the U.S. Capitol for the first time in almost three years.
      • Another meeting between Trump and Putin: The letter also came after Putin publicly invited Trump to Russia for another face-to-face meeting. The White House had previously delayed a second meeting between the two leaders.
          9 months ago

          It was a birthday card, but inside he said he “Changed the launch codes to ‘1437’” because he was “thinking of his sweet Vladdy Daddy Putin-Pie.”

          (That was a joke, but coincidentally today, October 7th, is Putin’s birthday. He’s 71.)

          • squiblet
            19 months ago

            I’m not sure how you get ‘pedantic’ out of what I said. My question is where the information about the content of the letter came from and whether it’s reliable, and whether that’s all it said. That’s different than questioning whether it exists at all.