Still disappointing that it isn’t using a proper IR illuminator. Apple’s Face ID is still better, and the DyNaMiC iSlAnD doesn’t take up that much space. I’ve adjusted to having a fingerprint sensor on my Pixel 6 Pro, but the thing is so much slower.
The BEST place by far is on the back. With the Pixel 2, I could have the phone unlocked before I even take it out of my pocket because I could place my finger in the exact right spot.
It also served as a shortcut to pull down the notification shade.
Which was not actually big in person, and something that could’ve definitely been shrunken down more by 2023.
Now we are left with the garbage “face” unlock on the Pixel 6/7, or the garbage in screen fingerprint sensor. I mean all in screen sensors are shit. They work like 80% of the time, while the Pixel 4 face unlock worked 100% of the time, and it was so good I forgot I ever had a lock on my phone, because it was instantly unlocked, even in a pitch black room.
I’ve found that going back to a plastic film cover instead of glass made the fingerprint scanner work every time. Having said that, I’d much rather have a glass screen protector. This new design forced me to buy a different screen protector and case style than I’m used to, and imo, my case / screen protector is a downgrade. I usually buy cases with built in screen protectors, but every one of those I tried were shit with the fingerprint reader. This, like so many of Google’s ‘innovations’ is a terrible idea. They’ve clearly run out of ideas on what to do next with hardware on smartphones. I just want my 2011 phone with 2023 performance / OS. Everything they’ve done after that has been a downgrade.
Maybe they fixed it or something at some point but mine suuuuucked until I got a new screen with a new fingerprint sensor. Now I don’t have issues very often and if I do its from junk on my finger or screen or something and it clears up with a quick wipe.
Still disappointing that it isn’t using a proper IR illuminator. Apple’s Face ID is still better, and the DyNaMiC iSlAnD doesn’t take up that much space. I’ve adjusted to having a fingerprint sensor on my Pixel 6 Pro, but the thing is so much slower.
Keep in mind you don’t have to have a slow fingerprint sensor, Google just managed to fuck that up
I’ve never understood these comments mine opens just as fast as my Samsung
As a OnePlus 7 Pro user, it’s so fast, My ideal phone would have a fingerprint reader on the on/off button, seems so logical to do so
The BEST place by far is on the back. With the Pixel 2, I could have the phone unlocked before I even take it out of my pocket because I could place my finger in the exact right spot.
It also served as a shortcut to pull down the notification shade.
Same as the s9+ and I loved it, I miss it so much
Yeah, I’ve heard this one is particularly bad. It’s broadly fine but it is definitely slower than the one in my old OnePlus 7 Pro.
I paid $250 for the phone refurbished so I have a hard time complaining too much.
Pixel 4 was, and it was better than Apple’s implementation.
It’s crazy that Google did it once and beat Apple. Then they dropped it.
They dropped it because people were complaining about the massive forehead
Which was not actually big in person, and something that could’ve definitely been shrunken down more by 2023.
Now we are left with the garbage “face” unlock on the Pixel 6/7, or the garbage in screen fingerprint sensor. I mean all in screen sensors are shit. They work like 80% of the time, while the Pixel 4 face unlock worked 100% of the time, and it was so good I forgot I ever had a lock on my phone, because it was instantly unlocked, even in a pitch black room.
I’ll take a forehead over a notch.
I’ve found that going back to a plastic film cover instead of glass made the fingerprint scanner work every time. Having said that, I’d much rather have a glass screen protector. This new design forced me to buy a different screen protector and case style than I’m used to, and imo, my case / screen protector is a downgrade. I usually buy cases with built in screen protectors, but every one of those I tried were shit with the fingerprint reader. This, like so many of Google’s ‘innovations’ is a terrible idea. They’ve clearly run out of ideas on what to do next with hardware on smartphones. I just want my 2011 phone with 2023 performance / OS. Everything they’ve done after that has been a downgrade.
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screen protectors really arent needed anymore at least imo
id prefer one
Owned a 6 and a 7 pro, 7 made substantial speed upgrades
I have a 7 Pro and the fingerprint sensor sucks. It constantly doesn’t recognize, and is slow when it does.
I don’t have any issues, I’ve whatever scanned every possible angle I can think of when enrolling. Gets a good map of your finger
I ended up doing 2 scans of the same finger and that’s worked great
Maybe they fixed it or something at some point but mine suuuuucked until I got a new screen with a new fingerprint sensor. Now I don’t have issues very often and if I do its from junk on my finger or screen or something and it clears up with a quick wipe.