• @WhatAmLemmy@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    No matter what the facts on the ground are, Israel is an incompetent and poorly governed state. Based solely on the demographics and economics, the average Israeli is far more to blame for the current state of affairs, than the average Palestinian — the average Israeli has been alive over a decade longer than the average Palestinian, and the average Israeli is about 20x wealthier than the average Palestinian…

    More than 2/3’s of Gaza’s population are under 30, and the vast majority are not only poor, but poorly educated. Only a few % of the population are over 65. Most developed economies have an over 65 population of 10-20%, including Israel… The stats aren’t much better for the West Bank. Essentially, 99% of the Palestinian population have lived their entire existence under Israel’s apartheid rule — segregated in either Gaza or the west bank.

    Contrast that to Israel, which is a wealthy, well-educated, developed economy; that have maintained similar demographics with the rest of the developed world, and actually far exceed the USA in most statistics related to quality of life and standard of living.

    When will the world stop acting like an impoverished, uneducated, largely illiterate non-state — that isn’t even recognised by most of the world — populated by children and young adults… Should have it’s shit together and act with more wisdom and humility than a rich, educated, developed country; governed by middle aged adults and boomers?