• hiddengoat
      289 months ago

      I lost all respect for an attorney I worked with when I saw that his LinkedIn was just covered with DeSantis/Abbott praise during COVID. The firm I was with did estate planning. We were so swamped in estate planning and probate (meaning a client had died) we had to bring on multiple new people to handle the caseload.

      And this motherfucker was totally onboard with anti-mask garbage.

      So I guess LinkedIn KIND OF works in that it tells you who the idiots are.

      • Chozo
        9 months ago

        I see that as a win. You saved yourself the heartbreak of learning about your attorney’s rancid viewpoints much later into your relationship with him.

        I’ve had similar experiences. I’ve gotten to see how terrible some of the recruiters/managers I’ve dealt with actually are, and was able to dodge any long-lasting engagement with them.

        • hiddengoat
          9 months ago

          He didn’t have to deal with it. The firm I worked for was quite large and covered various specializations. I was a paralegal in estate planning. He was in… corporate contracts? Something like that. Even if he was the EP attorney he wouldn’t have to make the calls I did. You ever have to tell a 90 year old woman that her husband died without a will because your firm is incompetent? I have, among many more great hits of COVID. Yay trauma dumping!

          • @idiomaddict@feddit.de
            39 months ago

            I worked at an insurance company through covid, so literally yes. It’s not fun and I try not to think about it too long. I was luckily able to quit after about a year and a half, I hope you get out soon.

            • hiddengoat
              39 months ago

              Yay! More bearers of shit and misery news! There are dozens of us! Actually, probably way more given the size of the industries…

              I got out a while back. Inherited a bit of money, took some time off. Unfortunately getting back in is proving impossible, so joy all around I guess.

    • Kalkaline
      269 months ago

      It’s really useful when you’re looking for a job though. They have better job searches than everyone else. Though I wish they would get some better salary data.

      • Unaware7013
        109 months ago

        Agreed. I found my current gig on LinkedIn and got like an 80% raise a few years ago. I stay off it unless I need to go job hunting, and I have no complaints, but I treat it just like facebook and ignore the feed/random bullshit pushed to me.

        • Chozo
          89 months ago

          Yeah, I feel like if you don’t engage with the “social” aspects of it and just treat it as an easily-shareable resume platform, it works exceedingly well.

          Though, getting to see an insight into the people you may potentially work with is also a nice touch, in some instances. You can get a good feel for the type of environment those people would like to foster in their workplaces, and make an informed decision about whether or not you’d feel comfortable working for them.

    • @CriticalMiss@lemmy.world
      119 months ago

      I absolutely hate the platform. It sucks it’s even a requirement to get a job in any tech job (at least where I’m from, I heard it spread to other fields in other countries i.e hire a gardener on linkedin). The fake positivity and support for corporate overlords is just difficult to swallow.

      • @penquin@lemmy.kde.social
        59 months ago

        The cringe land. That place was cringe it made me sick. “The fake positivity and support for corporate overlords is just difficult to swallow.” Is the perfect way to describe that shit. I always got second hand embarrassment reading that cringe shit. God damn. I got rid of it a long time ago. Recruiters are the absolute filth of the earth. They made me hate that site even more.

    • @library_napper
      59 months ago

      I find it to be a remarkably effective platform for marketing my open source projects