Arch Linux keeps falling behind in package updates, basic packages like gdb and LLVM are newer in Fedora then in Arch, and Bash is newer in DEBIAN then in Arch. Why have package updates fallen so far behind?

    22 years ago

    To add to this, all of the packages mentioned have a -git version in the AUR. The people who really need the absolute newest version can always install these packages. The rest of the people (those who prefer stability) can continue using a slightly older, but well-tested versions of these programs.

      • rodneyck
        2 years ago

        No what you want is unstable Arch which you can freely do by changing the repos, but your user experience will be fraught with pain and issues. You can move to Debian and do the same by running their unstable branches, same results though, most likely a broken system.

        Both will get you the newest releases.