Why does every small appliance or useful home electronics item have the BRIGHTEST LEDs in them?
I bought a new fan for our bedroom Sunday. It has 4 speed settings, and LEDs to display which setting you’re on.
Just like every other electrical device in our bedroom, I had to cover the LEDs with electrical tape because they are TOO DAMM BRIGHT. That one light was more than bright enough for me to see in the room with all the lights off.
I can’t sleep well if there’s a lot of light like that, especially blue light, and it’s like every fucking electronics manufacturer used the same extra bright blue LEDs.
All of our power strips have them. Same brightness.
The fans have them.
Don’t even get me started on digital clocks and the plague of bright LEDs that they bring about
Many charging plugs have them built into the plug itself.
Even some fucking light switches have them now!
I have about 6 different things in our bedroom that have electrical tape over their completely unnecessary LEDs.
Why has this become such a common thing? Is this really something most people want? To have a room that is never actually dark even with the lights turned off?
I have a similar complaint about almost all “gamer gear” having RGB lighting. Why would I want that? I’m not even opposed to the “gamer” aesthetic of a lot of sharp lines and strong colors, I think that can look really good, but when my mousepad has RGB it’s time to blow the whistle and stop all manufacturing until we can figure out what’s going on.
Buying RAM recently and people are reviewing the fucking RGB instead of the performance. Like, WTF are you doing with your life? I managed to find some without gratuitous lighting effects thankfully.
Here’s some insightful view into the topic of gamer aesthetics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgOI4908QyY
The video is in German, but you can toggle the subtitles into (auto-generated) English.
That’s why I feel old. I don’t want case windows, or RGB. It’s all about the framerate and the score.
But, are you old enough to want a turbo button and LED on your case?
I hate the window, too. Why build a case with aluminium, then add a huge glass window heavier than a full steel case?
I’ve never liked the RGB thing. Sometimes it can look good (when they’re all set to one color that matches the rest of the build), but 99% of them look tacky. Whenever I get around to building a PC finally, I’m gonna try to have zero LEDs in there. Just something nice and simple and clean.
Right? Sure, keyboards with backlit keys are nice, and why not have them colorful? But pls don’t try to sell me RGB RAM
Yeah, my PC case came with a bunch of rgb fans. Hate them, but I didn’t want to buy more fans just to get rid of the rgb.
If you ever need new ones, and you have a bit of space, the phanteks t30 fans kick ass. They are slightly thicker than normal fans, which means they move more air while being quiet. Best of all, no RGB.
Ah, would be wonderful to get this nightclub out of my living room. I’ll check those out, thanks.
My hunch is it’s to stand out in influencer videos for a shot at viral marketing.
I guess they think all gamers are really into LGBTQ+ stuff, since everything gets rainbow lighting. It’s a bit odd, since that seems to be more sysadmins than gamers, but both demographics are into building computers so I guess it overlaps enough.
It goes even deeper! Sir Isaac Newton only discovered the visible light spectrum to push the gay agenda. And you ever notice how there were a lot fewer queer folks when movies were in black and white? You can thank the liberal Jewish media for that. It’s pedophiles all the way down!
A new joy of using Lemmy: being able to actually see how many downvotes a comment got. It’s been so long since Reddit tossed that feature that I forgot how much I missed it.
It’s almost like rainbows are recognisable, cover a wide spectrum of colours and are the natural choice for a device that advertises its RGB capabilities. But yeah, it’s probably the gays or whatever.
They’re turning the frickin RAM gay!