Antisemitic incidents in the United States rose by about 400% in slightly over two weeks since war broke out in the Middle East after Palestinian Islamist group Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, advocacy group Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said Wednesday. Read more at

          • FuglyDuck
            8 months ago

            I don’t. I don’t make laws.

            Neither does the ADL for that matter.

            But generally, it’s understood that

            Antisemitism is hostility to, prejudice towards, or discrimination against Jews.

            Criticism of the Israeli government is not antisemitism. The Israeli government is not a race anymore than Hamas is.

            However… if you need a specific “line” because you’re an asshole, in the us, the “legal line”… is pretty easy to find. the FBI defines a hate crime as:

            The UCR Program defines hate crime as a committed criminal offense which is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias(es) against a:

            race religion disability sexual orientation ethnicity gender gender identity

            Seems pretty easy to say “don’t commit hate crimes against Jews”, right? Or, any one else for that matter.

            Nazis are not a race either. They are generally the ones pushing hate crimes, though, and yes, I can have me feeling that punching a Nazis is a good thing while recognizing it’s also assault.

            As for whose a Nazi… when they admit to it, or do and say things that are blatantly Nazi-things. Interesting, that Einstein and other jews called Herut (political party that came from the Irgun paramilitary group during the Palestine Mandate) a bunch of Nazis. (This is why I added the antisemitism stuff and hate crime stuff at the start.)

      • diprount_tomato
        18 months ago

        Nazis didn’t do it for religion either

        Like, they didn’t care if you left Judaism, you’d still be a Jew to them

          -28 months ago

          “They didn’t do it for religion” but “you’re still a Jew to them?” Is Judaism a religion or is it not?

            18 months ago

            Yes Judaism is a religion but being “Jewish” isn’t. It’s an ethno-religion. There are actually quite a few atheist Jews in the world.

            Being Jewish doesn’t actually necessitate you practicing Judaism. You can actually take a DNA test and prove if you are Jewish, but no DNA test can prove if you go to Temple.

            So to answer you question. Yes and no, depending on what you’re asking.

        18 months ago

        Punching a Zionist for murdering babies isn’t any more antisemetic than punching a Nazi is a crime.

        So it is antisemitic? Because I’m pretty sure punching a Nazi is a crime absolutely everywhere.