Only 17% of Arab American voters say they will vote for Biden in 2024, according to a new poll.

    4411 months ago

    If Arabs don’t vote for Joe or stay home pouting on the couch on election day, the only thing they’ll accomplish is to enable the tragic national nightmare of a second trump misadministration and a whole new tsunami of violent, stochastic terrorism-driven Islamophobia that has already cost innocent Muslim Americans their lives

      1411 months ago

      They’ve been put in a seriously shitty and unwinnable situation. Either way, Arab Americans lose and that’s fucked up.

      611 months ago

      The system is broken. How bad would Biden have to be to make it not worth voting for him? What could he get away with in this context? When your alternative is Trump the bar is so incredibly low.

        3211 months ago

        fuck this. This is literally what people said during Trump’s first election. Guess what? Making things worse doesn’t magically make things better.

          • PugJesus
            1111 months ago

            Man, check revolutions throughout history. They don’t happen because authoritarian governments get too authoritarian. They happen when authoritarian governments let up the pressure during times of tension.

            Authoritarian governments that collapse due to over-authoritarianism typically fall to coups, not revolutions.

                411 months ago

                The real answer is to vote local, get involved, if there are no good options run or find a decent person who is capable of running. Either way, support the campaigns of those decent options, do a little volunteering. Change happens from the ground up. Changing the whole system at once is impossible, slowly spreading change from the local level shows other disenfranchised voters there is a chance, and it picks up momentum from there.

                -311 months ago

                Throwing away your vote is a sure fire way to make things worse. Vote for the candidate that has the highest odds of winning who will make things better, or at least not worse. Just because you don’t like the candidate on the “left” doesn’t mean they’re not the one that will objectively do the least harm in office. Letting Trump or anyone else on the right in office is objectively bad on so many measures.

                Voting third party is morally reprehensible. Even if it makes you feel better, it’s worst for all of us. Don’t be selfish.

            011 months ago

            You probably want to read up on Social Fascists and why the concept you’re espousing is terrible.

            History says enabling fascists doesn’t end up with a glorious revolution, but rather a bullet in the head of the left.

      • nicetriangle
        711 months ago

        Until first past the post is done away with your 3rd candidate vote is an awful idea.