The letter posted on Israeli journalist Amit Segal channel to 184,000 followers says that “the nation of Israel will stand up bravery to strike at its enemies,” according to a translation of the Hebrew. It goes on to justify targeting sites even “when the enemy hides behind a human shield.”

    • TinyPizzaOP
      2111 months ago

      Sometimes a pat on the back from god is all you need to keep committing war crimes. Chosen people choosing people.

      • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
        11 months ago

        Half of the Old Testament is just the ancient Israelites going around and committing war crimes. Numbers and Joshua are particularly bad. Like the battle of Jericho, where they killed every human, ox, sheep, and donkey in the city and then wrote a kid’s song about it

      • lettruthout
        1011 months ago

        Chosen people choosing people.

        …to kill.
        Why is the US supporting a country that’s fighting a religious war?

        I don’t care what people believe but when they implement those beliefs to harm others, that’s wrong.

          11 months ago

          I don’t care what people believe

          I used to take this stance too, but then I heard Matt Dillahunty say something that really stuck with me (paraphrasing here):

          Beliefs matter because it is the beliefs that inform our actions, and it is our actions that shape the world we all have to live within.

          Once I heard that I decided I was no longer just an atheist, but was profoundly ANTI-theist. There is absolutely no chance that there can be broad adoption of a secular humanist social philosophy as long as there is political control being asserted via religious institutions.

          It will never happen, full stop. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves, and either unintentionally enabling or directly supporting the continued mass delusions of large swaths of the human population. It is imperative that this not be allowed to continue for the survival of our species. It is that fucking serious in my opinion.

        • snooggums
          511 months ago

          Why is the US supporting a country that’s fighting a religious war?

          Continuing national traditions!

    • iAmTheTot
      811 months ago

      Actually, it’s probably quite pious of them. Old Testament God was not really one for mercy and was pretty big on obliterating your foes.

        1011 months ago

        There’s a part in there about a king asking someone to bring him 400 or some foreskins to prove he was a mighty warrior.

        Like just straight up “go kill hundreds of non Jewish people and chop off the tip of their dicks as a flex”.

        Every single Abrahmic religion started out as a violent cult that wanted to extreminate everyone else one, and every one of those religions still have right wing extremists that think those were the good ole days. And they all want to say criticizing their lust for violence is bigotry against all of their religion

      • Annoyed_🦀 A
        111 months ago

        Does god create multiple religion to look at us fight?