Belgium announced that it is considering recognizing the state of Palestine, vowing to impose sanctions against Israeli occupation forces due to its genocidal war on Gaza.

    • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
      8 months ago

      Israel isn’t in control of that area for almost 20 years.

      Ground, yes. Air and maritime, no. Same goes for West Bank, and also the ground and border crossing toward Jordan.

        18 months ago

        First of all, Gaza also have a border with Egypt. But overviewing sea import is required for Israel to survive, Hamas is using everything in its power to attack Israel. Even water pipes paid for by the EU.

        The same goes for every other resource. Sand donated by Japan, went to Hamas to build tunnels. Cement too was used to build tunnels into Israel, so Israel had to spend billions to stop that.

        Gaza has many resources for economic success. Fertile soil (in some areas), beutiful sea, border with two countries, university, hospitals, etc. Moreover, rich economics from all over the world are willing to build infrastructure for them (water pipes for example).

        Even partners in Israel that want peace.

        • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
          18 months ago

          Look, i’m not gonna pretend that Hamas isn’t a shitty government and a terrorist group, i even agree that they can use the help to make Gaza better, but you can’t be serious when you trying to argue that Israel doesn’t oppress gaza while also acknowledge that Israel need gaza maritime space for their own benefit, that is oppression for fuck sake lmao.

          Gaza is already poor when Israel leave Gaza, then Israel blockade hamper their trade, israel control maritime space so they can’t have a port, israel control air space so they can’t have airport, and the world did not recognize Palestine as a country, all Gaza had is Rafah crossing, that’s their only way for import/export. It’s an uphill battle make harder by Israel action. Listing the facility donated by other organisations doesn’t make the oppression just disappear.

            • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
              18 months ago

              Are you trying to say just because Hamas is a terrible government, the ill treatment toward Palestinian by Israel is justified?

                18 months ago

                No, I’m saying Gazans were fucked both ways.

                Hamas forces Israel to bombard them while using them as human shields. While also taking the little money they have, forcing them into poverty.