In what appears to be an escalating incursion into a user’s digital privacy, a collective of film companies continue to implore the court to compel Reddit to surrender its users’ personal details. This move is part of an ongoing piracy liability case against Internet Service Providers. Reddit, however, steadfastly resists, staunchly defending its users’ rights to anonymous speech.

    • PrimalAnimist
      52 years ago

      Back in the early days you wanna download a movie or some warez it would be like 358 parts and you would always miss some and have to ask for reposts. Hey anyone have parts 28, 34, 78, and 212-229 of “Dizzy Princess And the Shaven Dwarves?” Then you wait a day or two, watching replies. It was really an accomplishment when you get that final piece and decode the file(s) successfully.