AI singer-songwriter ‘Anna Indiana’ debuted her first single ‘Betrayed by this Town’ on X, formerly Twitter—and listeners were not too impressed.

    17 months ago

    it’s literally impossible unless some day AI becomes human(impossible) because human is the only thing capable of creativity.

    That’s quite a strong claim, what are you basing that on? Now, I’m not saying current “AI” systems are necessarily terribly creative. But why shouldn’t an arbitrarily sophisticated AI be as creative as a human? Or, for that matter, perform any other cognitive function a human can? What makes computation performed by a human brain so qualitatively different from computation performed by another substrate? Please consider publishing your findings in cognitive science journals, the rest of the world needs to know.

    • aiccount
      17 months ago

      No, sorry, you are absolutely right, and I genuinely could not be more in agreement with you. I was just annoyed to see this top comment acting like there is something magical about humans that gives them a monopoly on creativity, so I was just reiterating what they said in the hopes that people would think about it for a sec. Obviously machines can be just as creative/intelligent as humans, and most likely will be more so in the not terribly distant future.