I noticed that I tend to think something along the lines of

Everything will be okay. And even if it’s not, that’s okay too. You’ll get though this my love

The love bit was something I’ve been trying intentionally to instill. I’ve heard that positive self-talk can improve well being.

What do you think or say to yourself during those harder times?

  • These were the words I used when discussing an upcoming potential termination,

    “But the person I’ll be on the other side of [this crisis of maybe termination] will be no more absolutely or permanently diminished than the one I became after any other of the subjectively substantial life-changing crises.”

    I’ve lived through some pretty painful shit. I feel quite angry about the misery I consider my life to currently be, but I still choose to live. With these words I was explaining that this “disaster” couldn’t be any more miserable than the sundry other miseries I’ve learned to live with. The consequences of this “crisis” may absolutely be something I will hate deeply and bitterly, but I doubt it’s going to be the straw that gets me to break this camel’s back.