Arch Linux keeps falling behind in package updates, basic packages like gdb and LLVM are newer in Fedora then in Arch, and Bash is newer in DEBIAN then in Arch. Why have package updates fallen so far behind?

    12 years ago

    Wasn’t Python being behind the reason GNOME 44 took a little while to come out? It does seem like things move a little slower than they used to. Might be a good thing for stability in the long run. Think people need to be reminded that Arch is community run too. So updates might lag behind compared to these distros with big corporations behind them.

      2 years ago

      I believe I read there was only one package maintainer for Gnome on Arch, which is why the release took longer. We have to remember it’s often just regular people, or in that case, person, who maintains this stuff for free or very little. And just because upstream made a release doesn’t mean it’s a simple drop-in to our distro of choice.