With fighting raging around Khan Younis and in the north of Gaza, a video has emerged on social media showing dozens of Palestinian men detained by Israel.

    • المنطقة عكف عفريتOP
      7 months ago

      Translation: “OH this inhumane treatment of Palestinians, noooooo, that’s just the special Israeli strip search technique! You strip them, you beat them, you make them do 5 minutes of montage, you take them to the desert, blindfolded, naked, humiliated, like a photo from a history book, and then you make then kneel for 3 hours. Meanwhile they have no idea where their wives or children are, and vice versa. They don’t even know what location we brought them TO. AND THAT IS THE GREAT AND AMAZING ISRAELI STRIP SEARCH TECHNIQUE. How dare you call this torture? They were KHAMAS suspects!!”

      • DarkGamer
        -27 months ago

        Then work on your reading comprehension, because this is nothing like the Nazis, despite your ilk’s constant attempts at making that false equivalency.

          • DarkGamer
            -27 months ago

            I thought Never Again included everyone, but I don’t know. You’ll have to ask the people who use that phrase.

            Either way, this is not comparable. No one is trying to eradicate Palestinian Arabs.

            • المنطقة عكف عفريتOP
              07 months ago

              Then why do we have mounting evidence that Israel is trying to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing? I think if you deny the mounting evidence, you must be pretty deluded.

              • DarkGamer
                7 months ago

                Share it then. I can’t deny evidence you’ve yet to present, and I’m sure as hell not taking your word for it given the statements you’ve made here.

                I’ve seen no evidence of genocide and I highly doubt Israel would considering their recent history.

                  • DarkGamer
                    7 months ago

                    That’s a list of topics not evidence of your claim. None of said topics are labeled as, “genocide,” or, “ethnic cleansing,” You expect me to sort through all that to find the “mounting evidence” you claim is in there? “Google it” is not providing evidence, it seems like you can’t be bothered despite all the time you’re spending concern trolling about this.

                    I may be informed but I’m not omniscient, I’m giving you benefit of the doubt that you might have learned something I have not. My bad, I guess.