Calls are growing for the UN Security Council to be reformed after the US became the only member to use its veto power to block a Gaza ceasefire resolution, a move welcomed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The UN chief says he will keep pushing for peace.

    57 months ago

    There are multiple definitions of what constitutes as genocide if you read the article, not just attempting to kill 100% of the population. Trying to eradicate the norm and way of life by a group of people and forcing them to adopt a different culture is cultural genocide. Which is what Russia is doing by Russifying Ukraine. And what do they think they’re doing by kidnapping Ukrainian children? Not Russifying them?

      -47 months ago

      It is cultural genocide. And kidnapping the children is indeed real genocide.

      But Russia’s goal is clearly not the total elimination of the people of Ukraine.

      Israel wants to literally kill all Palestinians and replace them with israelis. Do you disagree with that?

        47 months ago

        Russia’s goal is absolutely the total elimination of all Ukrainians – they want Ukraine to cease to exist, consumed by them. They thus eliminate all Ukrainians by instead forcing them to be Russian citizens.

        And honestly? I don’t think that’s Israel’s goal, because they don’t seem to have a goal. It’s just senseless and directionless violence and. To me it looks more like them lashing out because they can. Just like Russia with Ukraine, they want Palestine to cease to exist and all Palestinians to either become Israeli or be exiled. The settler program makes that much obvious.

        It’s not a super big distinction though, frankly. Sure Israel isn’t methodically killing every Palestinian, but they sure as hell don’t care about how many Palestinians die. Again, just like Russia with Ukrainians. The goal isn’t an organized campaign of ethnic cleansing, but more the total consumption of the land, no matter how many Palestinians or Ukrainians die.