We’ve had to create a new sidebar rule, we won’t be enacting it retroactively because that just doesn’t seem fair, but going forward:

  • Rule 7: We didn’t USED to need a rule about how many posts one could make in a day, then someone posted NINETEEN articles in a single day. Not comments, FULL ARTICLES. If you’re posting more than say, 10 or so, consider going outside and touching grass. We reserve the right to limit over-posting so a single user does not dominate the front page.
  • nicetriangle
    69 months ago

    Posting a shit ton of full text news articles is gonna get the instance DCMA’d

    • snooggums
      9 months ago

      What is the difference between one person doing it 20 times and 20 different people doing it once?

      • nicetriangle
        49 months ago

        I didn’t say either was good/better/whatever. Regardless of who’s doing it, if the news forums here just start posting full text articles like crazy, eventually the instance will get smacked down for it.