The U.S. will mark the anniversary of the January 6 insurrection on Saturday, a milestone that will confer upon the reality-dwelling citizenry a grim reminder of the potency of propaganda and how quickly it can warp perception when introduced into the public square.

Just three years ago, most of the country watched with dismay and horror as a violent MAGA mob beat back authorities and stormed the country’s citadel of democracy. The Donald Trump-incited crush of disillusioned rioters, fueled by a stream of fantastical lies, believed that the 2020 election had been stolen by sinister forces working to undermine the democratic election.

Of course, not only was their belief flatly incorrect, but evidence later emerged indicating that it was Trump who, in fact, had tried to subvert democracy.

Facts, however, have little bearing on the sentiment inside the Republican Party, which has been fed a steady diet of lies and half-truths by Fox News and the rest of the sprawling right-wing media machine. To wit, the false notion that Joe Biden nefariously stole the 2020 election is now widely shared inside the GOP. A CNN poll conducted over the summer found that nearly 70% of Republicans believe Biden’s win was not legitimate, a number that has continued to tick up.

    • Diva (she/her)
      -26 months ago

      Trudeau (If not Fidels son, a dead ringer) loved wearing blackface for some reason, there’s like a ton of pictures of it. For some reason libs still love him, but they also support genocide so I guess it makes sense.

      • SatansMaggotyCumFart
        36 months ago

        Oh yeah!

        He dressed up quite a bit when he was a drama teacher, who would have thought?

        I don’t think Fidel is his father, but I did hear his Mom banged Mick Jagger once so that’s cool.

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            36 months ago

            There’s a difference between the way Robert Downey Jr and Trudeau did it, and say, someone putting on a minstrel show.

            • Diva (she/her)
              6 months ago

              I get that you don’t care because your boy did it, but you didn’t have to act obtuse about it for like 6 posts

              and to think I got banned for trolling

                • Diva (she/her)
                  -26 months ago

                  I’m sorry it’s like 2 am in Moscow and I’m working long hours at the troll factory