A member of the European Parliament has been accused of spying for Russia for over a decade—and her case could open a Pandora’s box of illicit secrets.

Explosive accusations that Latvian member of European Parliament, Tatjana Ždanoka, has been working as a Russian spy for some 13 years are roiling lawmakers across the continent.

Since at least 2003, Ždanoka worked to arrange in-person meetings with her Russian intelligence contacts, from Moscow to Brussels, according to The Insider, Delfi Estonia, Re:Baltica investigative journalism center, and Sweden’s Expressen newspaper, which cite emails and other correspondence throughout their investigation. She has also requested funding from the intelligence officers and shared draft initiatives and press releases with them on several occasions, according to the investigation.

The European Parliament has since opened an investigation into the matter—and now, lawmakers in Latvia are warning there are other Russian spies in their ranks just like her, and they’re reinvigorating the effort to expose them.

  • @wahming
    75 months ago

    Look in the US Parliament next