Came across this recently and I can barely understand what’s about.

  • DrMango
    121 year ago

    I like the allegory to magic you’re implying at some points because it really seems like an apt comparison for the way an SS uses the legal/government system. Like it’s some sort of arcane power and they can harness it for their own gains with certain incantations (“I comprehend”), runes (writing legal codes on your envelope to get out of paying postage), or crafted artefacts (fake IDs and license plates).

      91 year ago

      The modern world runs on magic spells. The average retiree doesn’t know how their TV works, or even the remote. They do, however, know that if they perform an arcane set of actions, their preferred soap appears on the magic box.

      Even as a techie, this still applies. Just because I could build a TV remote, doesn’t mean I know, or care how this particular one works. I just perform my magic spell to make the magic box work.

      “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” - Arthur C Clark.

      “Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology.” - Terry Pratchett.