Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has endorsed President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign, a sign of the president’s strength in uniting his party to have the backing of one of its most liberal members

    02 years ago

    Like I get that is what we probably are getting, and fine, he is better than whatever the republicans are putting forward, so I’ll vote for him.


    Come on

    I wish, so much, we had a better candidate

      22 years ago

      Yeah, the Democrats really fucked up by uniting against Bernie in 2020, and Warren fucked up by not getting behind him.

      So we’re stuck with Biden, who aims too low on all our critical issues.

      But it’s vital to understand that we ARE stuck with him. There’s no path to victory for anyone else in the party.

      So it’s Biden or … A fascist takeover of the country.

      Easy choice.

      Painful. But easy.

      02 years ago

      What exactly has Biden done wrong? He may not be as crazy left wing as you’d prefer, but really I don’t see why so many on the left are saying he’s so bad

      • Irlut
        02 years ago

        Although I think Biden has overall done a good job I am disappointed that they’re running someone who is 80 years old. I would also like to see a general shift to the left, but at the same time I realize that the increased political division in the US makes this unlikely in the near term.

        • prole
          02 years ago

          Giving up the incumbent advantage at a time like this is short sighted at best, and destructive and dangerous at worst.

            2 years ago

            People always have some reason ready to roll out when telling you to settle for some shitty candidate you don’t really like. I’m done with it. I compromised on Joe Biden to save America from Trump. I compromised in every election for my entire adult life. Now I’m voting for people I actually like. If the US is collectively dumb enough to go back to the GOP then we deserve the consequences of that choice.

            You can call that selfish if you want but I’ve been waiting 35 years for the compromise candidate to be the one from my camp and there’s always a bunch of armchair poly-sci experts coming out of the woodwork to explain why that would be irresponsible in the current political climate. Well too bad, I’m not voting for the geriatric anymore.