You Don’t Need to Use Airplane Mode on Airplanes | Airplane mode hasn’t been necessary for nearly 20 years, but the myth persists.::Airplane mode hasn’t been necessary for nearly 20 years, but the myth persists.

    121 year ago

    fucking hell, I’d think about leaving because having to survive the rabid child always behind me, that guy over there coughing the entire flight, that lady next to me who immediately started snoring, and the bi hourly “buy our perfume” plane wide adnnouncements would be hell without headphones

      51 year ago

      the rabid child always behind me,

      The one kicking the seat got to me on my last flight.

      The plan was to inform the parent I used to be infantry and I was gonna start teaching his kid some new words if his kid didnt respect the airplane. But he clued in just in time.