• Annoyed_🦀 A
    1 year ago

    and PCs

    No way man, PC is dying.

    But it’s kinda funny thing to say when Xbox doesn’t have much good first party game released for the lifetime of the latest xb. And when the exec chasing the f2p whale they all failed miserably.

    Edit: is sarcasm that hard to read? 🤔

    • @DerisionConsulting@lemmy.ca
      121 year ago

      You wrote that post with a flat affect.
      Sarcasm isn’t hard to read, when it is actually written.

      You needed to so something with capitalization, italics, /s, make a point that counteracts the part you are being sarcastic about, use the rule of three, use juxtaposition, or worst of all, use an emoji. I don’t hate emoji just to hate them, it’s just that they look different depending on the end-user’s machine. This can make the feeling of the post feel drastically different.

      Also remember that this is the internet. Think of the absolute dumbest thing you can think of, something that is very easily disprovable, and there will be true-believers of that thing. Earth is flat, NFTs are a good idea, and that Romana Didulo is the queen of Canada. All things that people actually believe.