Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday called on the federal government to move “as quickly as possible” to change the way it officially classifies marijuana, saying that “nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed.”

“I cannot emphasize enough that they need to get to it as quickly as possible,” Harris said. “We need to have a resolution based on their findings and their assessment. This issue is stark when one considers the fact that on the schedule currently, marijuana is considered as dangerous as heroin ― as dangerous as heroin ― and more dangerous than fentanyl, which is absurd, not to mention patently unfair.”

Marijuana is currently listed as a Schedule 1 drug by the Drug Enforcement Administration. That classification designates it one of the most dangerous drugs possible, with no medicinal uses. Other substances in the same category include heroin, ecstasy and LSD. Marijuana advocates have been pushing for years for the federal government to either reschedule marijuana to a different category or deschedule it entirely.

    -21 year ago

    Following tue legal framework to get this done is slow footing it? Are you aware it’s in the final stage before getting rescheduled?

      11 year ago

      Claiming that slow walking it is following some fictional legal framework is just an excuse for slow walking it.

      I’m not buying any bullshit about it being the final anything.

      If you want me to treat it as anything more than a filthy lie, democrats should have been taking their campaign promises more seriously.

      Let me guess. We’re in the final stage of passing the public option, the minimum wage increase, codifying roe, and closing gitmo as well. I’m sure we’re in the final stage of passing BBB and reforming our out of control police too.

      After decades of lies, you expect me to buy that Democrats are telling the truth about wanting to do the right thing?

      What unmitigated hogwash.

        01 year ago

        Fictional legal framework? Lmao

        Go read up on the CSA hon.

        The decision is resting with the DEA now, who are the decision makers.

          1 year ago

          So quote it. Quote the law that is preventing Biden from descheduling cannabis.

          Not a press release, not an op-ed, the actual law.

          Chuck Schumer was saying Biden should deschedule back in January. He knows more about the process than you do.

          EDIT: and just like that, the condescension and the excuses for prolonging the racist drug war stop.