The closest word I can think of is a sycophant but that’s too strong word and not exactly what I’m looking for. The word I’m thinking of has negative connotations and it’s for someone who is friends with different groups but only at a superficial level and isn’t necessarily honest about who all they’re friends with. This person would be seen as untrustworthy.

    11 months ago

    Why? If they’re Ex-cons, they’ve done their time and they deserve to be treated the same as everyone else.

    They’re a perfect group to use in my example.

    And there are very few actual fascists out there. If you’ve used that word more than twice this week, it might be a you problem.

      711 months ago

      It’s precisely that they should be treated the same that I don’t believe they make a good example as someone you wouldn’t want to be associating with.

      You shouldn’t care that mates of yours hang with ex-cons, so there is no conflict to be had there.

      I wasn’t remarking on the incidence rate of fascists, merely commenting on their views.