Umno Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh today advised the owners of the KK Mart convenience chain to “find another business,” suggesting the convenience chain will go under from his call to boycott it over the “Allah” socks row.

“This boycott is not just for KK Mart, I want to tell you this boycott is for a lesson to any party that tries to play this very sensitive issue which is the 3R. You don’t do wrong things and apologise, do something wrong and apologise. So with this boycott effort, we hope that after this there will be no more incidents and of course this will continue until we truly feel cured.

On Tuesday, Sultan Ibrahim expressed his disappointment and displeasure over the incident.

He said stern action must be taken against any party found to be responsible for the controversy, regardless of intent.

  • Annoyed_🦀 OPA
    17 months ago

    The world has gone mad and this country has no hope.