See title

    2 years ago

    I apologize if my comment was not clear. You’re correct, just posting a link is not sufficient. However, the lead author, Gordon Gallup Jr, created the mirror test (see concept of self has,differentiate themselves from other individuals.)

    His work is pretty vital in our understanding or primate cognition. See his recent paper for an update:

    A quick google search gives look as: “a crazy or eccentric person.” He probably is quite eccentric, but I’d say “crazy” is a bit much. Merrimack Webster uses “one whose ideas or actions are eccentric, fantastic, or insane.” Feel free to share why you specifically think his writing demonstrates insanity

    Edit: 5 downvotes in 2 minutes again, to nobody’s surprise

    • adroit balloon
      2 years ago

      so, after citing other works which have no bearing whatsoever on this one, you agree that he’s kooky.

      are you trolling for any particular reason or just because you’re bored?

        42 years ago

        I’m sorry, as I’ve stated from the beginning, this work is most likely not accurate. However, I don’t think exploring odd theories makes someone a “kook,” no. He’s a scientist exploring and publishing a review of the research.

        Again, your comment stated that the authors are kooks. I stated the lead author is quite respected and then provided evidence backing my comment. Again, if you have specific evidence or quotes as to why you think this man is crazy, I’m all ears.

        • adroit balloon
          2 years ago

          Again, your comment stated that the authors are kooks.

          Again, if you have specific evidence or quotes as to why you think this man is crazy, I’m all ears.

          ah, I’ve identified the problem-- either you’re illiterate, or you think I’m stupid enough to be distracted by your obvious trolling to notice you’re trying to put words in my mouth.

          enough with the Sealioning

          Sealioning (also sea-lioning and sea lioning) is a type of trolling or harassment that consists of pursuing people with relentless requests for evidence, often tangential or previously addressed, while maintaining a pretense of civility and sincerity (“I’m just trying to have a debate”), and feigning ignorance of the subject matter. It may take the form of “incessant, bad-faith invitations to engage in debate”, and has been likened to a denial-of-service attack targeted at human beings. The term originated with a 2014 strip of the webcomic Wondermark by David Malki, which The Independent called “the most apt description of Twitter you’ll ever see”.

            42 years ago

            so you just found some crazy study online by some academic kooks and, rather than apply an ounce of critical thought, you just believed it.

            My apologies again. What does “academic kooks” mean to you?

            • adroit balloon
              -22 years ago

              moe Sealioning

              Sealioning (also sea-lioning and sea lioning) is a type of trolling or harassment that consists of pursuing people with relentless requests for evidence, often tangential or previously addressed, while maintaining a pretense of civility and sincerity (“I’m just trying to have a debate”), and feigning ignorance of the subject matter. It may take the form of “incessant, bad-faith invitations to engage in debate”, and has been likened to a denial-of-service attack targeted at human beings. The term originated with a 2014 strip of the webcomic Wondermark by David Malki, which The Independent called “the most apt description of Twitter you’ll ever see”.

                2 years ago

                I really do apologize that I came across that way. I want you to know that I’m not some shill. I was being genuine and I really tried to back that up. Ig it’s just another misunderstanding on social media. I hope you have a good day though

                Edit: odd how I had no downvotes and then I come here 5 minutes after the reply comment and I have 5 downvotes and the reply has 5 upvotes…

                • HSL
                  2 years ago

                  Please stop discussing upvotes and downvotes. Your last three comments have included references and it’s repetitive. If it bothers you, why not join an instance that doesn’t use downvotes?

                    2 years ago

                    This person is stalking me across all my posts. Idk what to do other than bitch about it. Everything, no matter how innocuous, got to -5 within minutes. Your comment isn’t really helping. Someone is literally being a creep and stalking me and all you have to offer is “maybe you should leave”? Thanks, victim blaming is always so helpful.

                  • BrooklynMan
                    2 years ago

                    curious as to why you left all the trolly comments and removed the comments from the person being trolled?

                    edit: they clearly are seasoning:

                    Sealioning refers to the disingenuous action by a commenter of making an ostensible effort to engage in sincere and serious civil debate, usually by asking persistent questions of the other commenter. These questions are phrased in a way that may come off as an effort to learn and engage with the subject at hand, but are really intended to erode the goodwill of the person to whom they are replying, to get them to appear impatient or to lash out, and therefore come off as unreasonable.

                    as a mod, if you’re looking to foster communities for open discussion rather than a place that will become toxic, punishing people for being targets of trolls while leaving trolls alone isn’t the way to go.

                • adroit balloon
                  -42 years ago

                  you know exactly what you’re doing, and it’s no misunderstanding. you’re intentionally trolling. if you have any genuine intentions, you’ll simply stop. by replying to this comment, you confirm that you’re trolling.